It is hard to believe the first of five clinical rotations has come and gone. My classmates and I began our Applied PT I clinical rotation in May and spent 10 weeks in our full-time positions located all throughout Ohio with a few in Chicago as well! We spent 4 semesters together in the classroom preparing for this experience, and I must say that the hard work has definitely paid off. We were all very nervous to begin our practice as clinical practitioners out in our respective sites, but as the 10 weeks progressed we blossomed into well rounded student physical therapists.
I can personally say that my Applied PT I clinical was very rewarding. I expanded my knowledge of physical therapy practice immensely, developed professional relationships with experienced clinicians, and made many connections with wonderful patients. The most valuable thing I learned during my Applied PT I clinical rotation was to be a "sponge" in my clinical practice, not only during my time as a student, but also as a future clinician. There is always something to be learned or absorbed from those around you, whether it be a fellow physical therapist, physical therapist assistant, other health care professionals, and even our patients. As the fall semester approaches, my classmates and I look forward to reuniting in the classroom to share our experiences and to prepare ourselves for Applied PT II and III next Spring.
Until next time,
Alli Burfield, SPT
Graduate Assistant to Dr. Karen McIntyre & Member of the CSU DPT Class of 2016